Creating Conscious Organisations
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Conscious Insights Blog

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Love will save humanity

Love will save humanity

When we experience physical attacks on the heart we are of course being reminded that our physical well-being may not be all that it could be. We may have bad habits, lax practices or be taking our body for granted in some way, all of which we can remedy if we choose. On a metaphysical...

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Our inner guidance system

Our inner guidance system

In a world of seemingly perpetual turmoil and constantly shifting sands we may ask ourselves to what can we hold fast? Instead of seeking outer stability our answer lies within. As we quiet down and move into the stillness of reflection we can choose to open ourselves to discovering our deep soul connection with all...

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The power of right thinking

The power of right thinking

Many years ago, our now King Charles when talking about the need for a new relationship with our planet, called on us to move to ‘right thinking’ arguing that right action cannot happen without it. What might that mean – ‘right thinking’ and how skilled are we at it? Firstly we might contemplate the whole...

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Bringing and being our best

Bringing and being our best

We can gaze at the heavens and be reminded of how tiny we are as individuals and, as a planet, in the vastness of the universe. We may consider the scale of humanity and conclude we, as one person, have little impact. Yet we have more power than we know. Every thought, word, action touches...

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Turning up our heartfulness

Turning up our heartfulness

As each day brings us more difficult news about the state of our world it would be easy to withdraw, to hide, even to wither under the onslaught, especially if this is layered on top of more personal challenges in our daily lives. Yet now, as never before, hiding isn’t an option. We need to...

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Being in the flow

Being in the flow

Experiencing those moments of pure flow are truly magical. They may last seconds or months, maybe even years. Pure flow doesn’t mean there are no challenges or obstacles in our way though…it means that in that moment, we are deeply resourced in being able to face those challenges and address them without being held hostage...

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Working with the unexpected

Working with the unexpected

Life seems like it’s full of curved balls at the moment…political upheaval, conflict in a part of the world where the peace has sustained for decades, a civilised nation refusing to curb gun ownership though mass shootings seem increasingly commonplace, and for individual citizens the challenges of prices spiralling upwards or being able to travel...

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Shining from within

Shining from within

When we reflect on the luminous energy that emanates from some people we know we have been in contact with someone or something very powerful. It’s a sense of a timeless, enriching and generous power that includes and envelopes us. It’s a presence that is both of the person and beyond the person. It’s a...

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