Creating Conscious Organisations
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Conscious Insights Blog


Trusting in life

Trust. It’s such a small word for such a huge concept. Being clear with ourselves who and in what we trust is what helps us to navigate life – to work out where our safety and freedom lies, emotionally, physically, mentally and spiritually. Understanding our relationship with trust is also important. Knowing whether we are...

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Daring to love…universally

We all know that love is a word, a sentiment, a feeling that we most closely associate with loved ones, family, friends and so on. We don’t often use it in a wider context within say our work life or our wider connections. Some of this could be because we have confined our understanding of...

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Charging our inner Sat Nav

When we think about finding our way, of having the right directions we may think of Sat Nav or Google maps. If we’re old school we might be drawn to maps and atlases. Hopefully we’ll have a bit of a sense of direction and a little bit of luck too. Yet there’s something deeper and...

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Our spark and our flame

Down the ages we have seen seemingly impossible feats achieved, immense tides turned to flow in a more positive direction, hatred, violence and division move into a space of forgiveness and reconciliation. Lincoln’s abolition of slavery, the defeat of Nazism, the ending of apartheid in South Africa, the peace process in Northern Ireland are just...

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Turning up our heartfulness

Turning up our heartfulness

As each day brings us more difficult news about the state of our world it would be easy to withdraw, to hide, even to wither under the onslaught, especially if this is layered on top of more personal challenges in our daily lives. Yet now, as never before, hiding isn’t an option. We need to...

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Working with the unexpected

Working with the unexpected

Life seems like it’s full of curved balls at the moment…political upheaval, conflict in a part of the world where the peace has sustained for decades, a civilised nation refusing to curb gun ownership though mass shootings seem increasingly commonplace, and for individual citizens the challenges of prices spiralling upwards or being able to travel...

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Reclaiming the power of imagination

Reclaiming the power of imagination

Most children spend at least some of their early childhood enjoying periods of what, to an adult, can look like fanciful fantasies…where we imagine all manner of delights and joyful relationships with fairies and imaginary friends in a world where anything is possible, and magic happens…and where good battles evil and usually wins. That bubble...

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