Creating Conscious Organisations
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Our inner guidance system

Our inner guidance system
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In a world of seemingly perpetual turmoil and constantly shifting sands we may ask ourselves to what can we hold fast? Instead of seeking outer stability our answer lies within.

As we quiet down and move into the stillness of reflection we can choose to open ourselves to discovering our deep soul connection with all life and potentially, within that, the unique purpose we are each here to serve.

Whilst not always easy to discover, when we uncover that purpose we are connecting with our inner guidance system – surefooted, courageous and heartful. This connection illuminates our way forward, our outer action, however uneven the path ahead. It can become the touchstone in the face of outer challenges. The radiance that comes from this inner connection can also help us connect more deeply with others so we may illuminate their way too.

And it guides the choices we make in service of creating a better world for all, fuelling us to do the work that’s needed, joyfully.