Creating Conscious Organisations
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Owning our part in creating a better world…intentionally

Owning our part in creating a better world…intentionally
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If we want a better world we must each play our part in its creation, living as citizens of that better world rather than citizens of our own little world.

Examining all aspects of our life and their contribution to our wellbeing – mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually – is a start. Maybe our practice in these dimensions is less than good. Maybe it is as good as it could be. The thing is, how we are determines how we show up with others and how we contribute to the wellness of the wider world.

Then there’s our intentions and choices. Maybe they are serving the needs and wants of those just in our immediate, beloved circle, including self. If so we need to be more expansive…orienting those intentions and choices in service of our fellow humanity and the better world we seek.

And here we must engage our heart as well as head in our choices, engaging the balancing compassionate heart to the rationality of the mind. When we infuse our choices with the power of both head and heart, in partnership, we load them with the courage, unconditional love and creative power that generates something magical and profound.

Such powerfully loaded choices take us way beyond my needs and deep into the needs of all, serving the collective and building, brick by metaphorical brick, that better world for all.