Creating Conscious Organisations
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Conscious Insights Blog


Leading with magnetic energy

We’ve all experienced this either within ourselves or in/from another…the light-filled, radiatory energy that flows out when someone is deeply aligned with a sense of purpose. The clarity of their communication, the livingness of their ideas and creative expression, the connection that is created with others and others’ ideas and contributions. As leaders we hope...

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Connecting with the higher meaning

It’s fair to say that each day we face something of an onslaught of catastrophes, human failings, micro and macro obstacles to ‘getting things done’ or finding joy in our world today. We’d be forgiven for descending into a pit of despair and yet some part of us knows that won’t help anything either. That...

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Opening the door to our higher intelligence

When it comes to the different intelligences we rely on, most of us lean most heavily on our rational intelligence, our left brain thinking using analysis, data, concrete facts and tangible evidence. Society, education, the workplace and even family life trains us in this way. As we gain more life experience, we likely add to...

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In all heart

In all heart

‘Wherever you go, go with all your heart’ Confucius It’s that time of year when heart imagery is everywhere, symbolising romantic love. Expressing through the heart, living through the heart though is a much deeper endeavour and service than the commercial festival of Valentine’s Day, though, of course, the origins of this festival are far...

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Working with the unexpected

Working with the unexpected

Life seems like it’s full of curved balls at the moment…political upheaval, conflict in a part of the world where the peace has sustained for decades, a civilised nation refusing to curb gun ownership though mass shootings seem increasingly commonplace, and for individual citizens the challenges of prices spiralling upwards or being able to travel...

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Silent leadership

Silent leadership

When we speak of silence, we often imagine emptiness and no-thing-ness…absence and voids. In truth silence is a rich, creative and power-full space. Allowing ourselves to be in relationship with a deep peaceful silence enriches and energises. As we come into stillness and deepen our connection with the pulsing rhythm of our own heart and...

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Reclaiming the power of imagination

Reclaiming the power of imagination

Most children spend at least some of their early childhood enjoying periods of what, to an adult, can look like fanciful fantasies…where we imagine all manner of delights and joyful relationships with fairies and imaginary friends in a world where anything is possible, and magic happens…and where good battles evil and usually wins. That bubble...

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