Creating Conscious Organisations
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Conscious Insights Blog


Making our North Star reality

Purpose is often, poetically, described as our North Star. It is the place where we feel most ‘in flow’, where our passion and action intersect, where we often achieve more than we felt capable of. In the bustle and demands of daily life discovering our purpose can, though, be a tricky proposition. For some it...

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Connecting with the courageous heart

Throughout history we have wonderful examples of leaders doing the right thing – Lincoln’s abolition of slavery, Gandhi’s peaceful standing of ground, Martin Luther King Jr’s push for civil rights, Rosa Parks too, and Mandela’s bringing together a fractured nation. You will no doubt have your own inspiring examples. More recently in the business world...

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Cutting out the noise of other

Life comprises light and shade and greyer stuff in between. We need this contrast for how would we recognise joy without experiencing the opposite. And yet contrast has become something far more challenging. We can see this in conventional media with often vastly different and usually negative takes on the same story, and in the...

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Daring to love…universally

We all know that love is a word, a sentiment, a feeling that we most closely associate with loved ones, family, friends and so on. We don’t often use it in a wider context within say our work life or our wider connections. Some of this could be because we have confined our understanding of...

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The power of trust

The power of trust

In these days of major shift, disturbance, emergence and reorganising at both a global level (possibly also Cosmic) and a local, close to home level we are called upon to examine our relationship with trust. What and whom do we trust as we are seeking to find our place of centredness and balance? Some people...

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Being in the flow

Being in the flow

Experiencing those moments of pure flow are truly magical. They may last seconds or months, maybe even years. Pure flow doesn’t mean there are no challenges or obstacles in our way though…it means that in that moment, we are deeply resourced in being able to face those challenges and address them without being held hostage...

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The power of trust

The power of trust

What or who do you trust in? What does the word ‘trust’ even mean to you? Typically people speak about things like consistency, reliability, competence, depth of relationship with something or someone and certainly any academic review of trust highlights all of these things. Reflecting on our trust in life itself may find us deeply...

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