Creating Conscious Organisations
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Conscious Insights Blog


The bigger picture

Another day, another week, more grisly headlines…this time the fall of a dictator, the grim legacy of inhumanity left behind. An uncertain future for a nation. With the full on, full frontal and ever-present nature of the media it is hard to avoid what is happening in our world. And the worse it is the...

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Tapping into knowing

When we’re challenged by life circumstances, whether the problems are ours or have wider impact, we might find ourselves wishing for divine intervention without any real belief that can happen though the world could do with a dose right now. Yet that ‘divine intervention’ in the form of a higher wisdom is down to us...

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Choosing to ripple

Against the immensity of world events setting our own intentions to serving a greater good, to the building of a better world for all may seem inconsequential and, perhaps, rather pointless. We may question how, as one person, we can make any positive difference to the state of our world, to influencing it for the...

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Bringing and being our best

Bringing and being our best

We can gaze at the heavens and be reminded of how tiny we are as individuals and, as a planet, in the vastness of the universe. We may consider the scale of humanity and conclude we, as one person, have little impact. Yet we have more power than we know. Every thought, word, action touches...

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Trusting our choice-making

Trusting our choice-making

The subject of choice making is a challenging one because done well it requires us to step into accountability and responsibility for our choices. This can be emotionally challenging in situations where we may be feeling the onslaught of hurt, injustice, outrage, impotence, frustration and so on leaving us perhaps feeling like a victim. A...

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The wisdom in the silence

The wisdom in the silence

Are we on the right track? How do we know when the choice/decision we’ve made is the right one? And who for…is it serving us or something bigger? The state of our world is asking that every day we seek to make choices that add positively to its spiritual fabric. Adding light to the thought...

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Accessing our inner power of oneness

Accessing our inner power of oneness

Oneness is both a simple and vast principle to explore. For some the notion of oneness may feel too abstract to be meaningful, for others it may be a foundational principle of life – encapsulated in the phrase ‘we are all connected’ perhaps? The idea that everything we do, think, say impacts everyone and everything...

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