‘A sense of the universe, a sense of the all, the nostalgia which seizes us when confronted by nature, beauty, music – these seem to be an expectation and awareness of a Great Presence’. Pierre Teilhard de Chardin This beautiful quote by philosopher Teilhard du Chardin describes both the accessible and ‘everyday’ portals to an...
Conscious Insights Blog
Many people find the absence of activity quite debilitating. There is a need to be ‘doing’ something all the time and even for those who don’t mind a bit of inactivity in most cases they wouldn’t describe this as an inner stillness. As leaders, people who step up and take responsibility, as parents and caring...
Throughout history we have wonderful examples of leaders doing the right thing – Lincoln’s abolition of slavery, Gandhi’s peaceful standing of ground, Martin Luther King Jr’s push for civil rights, Rosa Parks too, and Mandela’s bringing together a fractured nation. You will no doubt have your own inspiring examples. More recently in the business world...
When we’re challenged by life circumstances, whether the problems are ours or have wider impact, we might find ourselves wishing for divine intervention without any real belief that can happen though the world could do with a dose right now. Yet that ‘divine intervention’ in the form of a higher wisdom is down to us...
It’s a full-on world that we inhabit right now. In fact, to be more precise, that we have created. Locating and connecting to one’s inner balance is extremely tough as we are buffeted by global and local challenges and crises. And yet that inner balance has never been more essential because it’s from there that...
It’s fair to say that each day we face something of an onslaught of catastrophes, human failings, micro and macro obstacles to ‘getting things done’ or finding joy in our world today. We’d be forgiven for descending into a pit of despair and yet some part of us knows that won’t help anything either. That...
As children we evidently know so little. Our receptiveness to the new, our openness to the world and deeper impressions beyond that is likely at its peak. There’s wonder in almost everything. And if we don’t know something we have a go, stepping in fearlessly. As facts and knowledge are absorbed into our system and...
In these days of major shift, disturbance, emergence and reorganising at both a global level (possibly also Cosmic) and a local, close to home level we are called upon to examine our relationship with trust. What and whom do we trust as we are seeking to find our place of centredness and balance? Some people...
When it comes to the different intelligences we rely on, most of us lean most heavily on our rational intelligence, our left brain thinking using analysis, data, concrete facts and tangible evidence. Society, education, the workplace and even family life trains us in this way. As we gain more life experience, we likely add to...
‘Wherever you go, go with all your heart’ Confucius It’s that time of year when heart imagery is everywhere, symbolising romantic love. Expressing through the heart, living through the heart though is a much deeper endeavour and service than the commercial festival of Valentine’s Day, though, of course, the origins of this festival are far...