Creating Conscious Organisations
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Conscious Insights Blog


Making our North Star reality

Purpose is often, poetically, described as our North Star. It is the place where we feel most ‘in flow’, where our passion and action intersect, where we often achieve more than we felt capable of. In the bustle and demands of daily life discovering our purpose can, though, be a tricky proposition. For some it...

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Leading with magnetic energy

We’ve all experienced this either within ourselves or in/from another…the light-filled, radiatory energy that flows out when someone is deeply aligned with a sense of purpose. The clarity of their communication, the livingness of their ideas and creative expression, the connection that is created with others and others’ ideas and contributions. As leaders we hope...

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What am I here for?

There are times when many of us will wonder what we are doing here in the mundanity of the small setbacks that life throws at us. Generally, it’s a fleeting and casual enquiry provoked by feeling sorry for ourselves. If we go deeper though ‘what am I here for?’ sits at the heart of our...

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Alignment toward the greater good

We see increasing evidence of good will in our world. Yes it’s a tough world right now and yet as physics tells us each action has an equal and opposite reaction. The more we expose the inequities and unethical practices the more space and opportunity there is for people to step closer toward a life...

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Charging our inner Sat Nav

When we think about finding our way, of having the right directions we may think of Sat Nav or Google maps. If we’re old school we might be drawn to maps and atlases. Hopefully we’ll have a bit of a sense of direction and a little bit of luck too. Yet there’s something deeper and...

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If I can dream…

‘If I can dream…of a better land…’ so sang Elvis Presley in his 1968 Comeback Special. A gospel song that contains a powerful call for beauty, harmony, sisterhood and brotherhood. It calls for belief that we do deserve something better than we are creating now. More than that, it invokes that better world. We often...

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Small acts on purpose

Influencing for the greater good can seem a lofty, distant aspiration for most of us. It may seem a far country that’s the province of those with great power or fame, and/or with seemingly god given talents, or perhaps those who’ve discovered their purpose, live it with a passion for, and dedication to, making things...

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Letting life and love lead us to Purpose

Letting life and love lead us to Purpose

Whilst discussions about Purpose are far more in evidence these days, the true understanding of one’s own Purpose and an organisation’s Purpose is rarely arrived at through intellectual or rational discourse.  Accessing Purpose is a whole body and whole life process. If it arrives, it arrives in response to a deep inquiry and a profound...

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Our inner guidance system

Our inner guidance system

In a world of seemingly perpetual turmoil and constantly shifting sands we may ask ourselves to what can we hold fast? Instead of seeking outer stability our answer lies within. As we quiet down and move into the stillness of reflection we can choose to open ourselves to discovering our deep soul connection with all...

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Being in the flow

Being in the flow

Experiencing those moments of pure flow are truly magical. They may last seconds or months, maybe even years. Pure flow doesn’t mean there are no challenges or obstacles in our way though…it means that in that moment, we are deeply resourced in being able to face those challenges and address them without being held hostage...

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