Creating Conscious Organisations
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Conscious Insights Blog


The nourishment of stillness

Many people find the absence of activity quite debilitating. There is a need to be ‘doing’ something all the time and even for those who don’t mind a bit of inactivity in most cases they wouldn’t describe this as an inner stillness. As leaders, people who step up and take responsibility, as parents and caring...

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Tapping into knowing

When we’re challenged by life circumstances, whether the problems are ours or have wider impact, we might find ourselves wishing for divine intervention without any real belief that can happen though the world could do with a dose right now. Yet that ‘divine intervention’ in the form of a higher wisdom is down to us...

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Charging our inner Sat Nav

When we think about finding our way, of having the right directions we may think of Sat Nav or Google maps. If we’re old school we might be drawn to maps and atlases. Hopefully we’ll have a bit of a sense of direction and a little bit of luck too. Yet there’s something deeper and...

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Showing up whole

Given the challenges facing our world each of us showing up whole, reporting for duty if you like, and bringing our full awareness and positive intention to all that we do in our daily lives is a must. Though we may be nodding our heads here, silently thinking of course, there are many obstacles. The...

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Tapping into full power

“The way to establish a relationship with Spirit and access the power of this creating principle is to continuously contemplate yourself as being surrounded by the conditions you wish to produce.” Wayne Dyer Studies demonstrate the power of collective meditation with a clear intention. Even small groups can have a substantial impact under the law...

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Shall we dare?

As children we evidently know so little. Our receptiveness to the new, our openness to the world and deeper impressions beyond that is likely at its peak. There’s wonder in almost everything. And if we don’t know something we have a go, stepping in fearlessly. As facts and knowledge are absorbed into our system and...

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In the now to secure the future

We live in a noisy world where so much competes for our attention. Much, of course, does need that attention whether that’s caring for ourselves, our families, those close to us, or the many challenges facing the human family and the planet we call home. Often, though, our concerns – whether close to home or...

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Beyond the concrete

Beyond the concrete

We live our lives in a concrete world, reliant on matter and form, on what we can see, hear, touch, taste, smell. We use acquired knowledge and experience to interpret all this data. Perhaps we adjust that interpretation with the input of others. And yet how real and true are the ‘pictures’ we create? However...

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Creating an energetic bridge

Creating an energetic bridge

We may all long for a better world. A world of more love, kindness, peace, fairness, prosperity. Though the forces holding this back may seem too formidable for us to overcome each of us can make a difference in how we interact with the world and in the intentions we set for its improvement. Of...

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