Creating Conscious Organisations
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Conscious Insights Blog

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Small acts on purpose

Influencing for the greater good can seem a lofty, distant aspiration for most of us. It may seem a far country that’s the province of those with great power or fame, and/or with seemingly god given talents, or perhaps those who’ve discovered their purpose, live it with a passion for, and dedication to, making things...

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The power of trust

The power of trust

In these days of major shift, disturbance, emergence and reorganising at both a global level (possibly also Cosmic) and a local, close to home level we are called upon to examine our relationship with trust. What and whom do we trust as we are seeking to find our place of centredness and balance? Some people...

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Opening the door to our higher intelligence

When it comes to the different intelligences we rely on, most of us lean most heavily on our rational intelligence, our left brain thinking using analysis, data, concrete facts and tangible evidence. Society, education, the workplace and even family life trains us in this way. As we gain more life experience, we likely add to...

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In the now to secure the future

We live in a noisy world where so much competes for our attention. Much, of course, does need that attention whether that’s caring for ourselves, our families, those close to us, or the many challenges facing the human family and the planet we call home. Often, though, our concerns – whether close to home or...

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In all heart

In all heart

‘Wherever you go, go with all your heart’ Confucius It’s that time of year when heart imagery is everywhere, symbolising romantic love. Expressing through the heart, living through the heart though is a much deeper endeavour and service than the commercial festival of Valentine’s Day, though, of course, the origins of this festival are far...

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Letting life and love lead us to Purpose

Letting life and love lead us to Purpose

Whilst discussions about Purpose are far more in evidence these days, the true understanding of one’s own Purpose and an organisation’s Purpose is rarely arrived at through intellectual or rational discourse.  Accessing Purpose is a whole body and whole life process. If it arrives, it arrives in response to a deep inquiry and a profound...

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Beyond the concrete

Beyond the concrete

We live our lives in a concrete world, reliant on matter and form, on what we can see, hear, touch, taste, smell. We use acquired knowledge and experience to interpret all this data. Perhaps we adjust that interpretation with the input of others. And yet how real and true are the ‘pictures’ we create? However...

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Finding our inner magi

Finding our inner magi

Most of us are most likely focused on Christmas in these weeks and I’m reminded of one of the less focused on aspects of the Christmas season, the arrival of the three Magi bringing gifts to the new-born child, Jesus. The Magi, or kings as they have become known, were also considered to be wise....

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Creating an energetic bridge

Creating an energetic bridge

We may all long for a better world. A world of more love, kindness, peace, fairness, prosperity. Though the forces holding this back may seem too formidable for us to overcome each of us can make a difference in how we interact with the world and in the intentions we set for its improvement. Of...

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