Creating Conscious Organisations
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Conscious Insights Blog

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Charging our inner Sat Nav

When we think about finding our way, of having the right directions we may think of Sat Nav or Google maps. If we’re old school we might be drawn to maps and atlases. Hopefully we’ll have a bit of a sense of direction and a little bit of luck too. Yet there’s something deeper and...

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Connecting with the higher meaning

It’s fair to say that each day we face something of an onslaught of catastrophes, human failings, micro and macro obstacles to ‘getting things done’ or finding joy in our world today. We’d be forgiven for descending into a pit of despair and yet some part of us knows that won’t help anything either. That...

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Showing up whole

Given the challenges facing our world each of us showing up whole, reporting for duty if you like, and bringing our full awareness and positive intention to all that we do in our daily lives is a must. Though we may be nodding our heads here, silently thinking of course, there are many obstacles. The...

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Tapping into full power

“The way to establish a relationship with Spirit and access the power of this creating principle is to continuously contemplate yourself as being surrounded by the conditions you wish to produce.” Wayne Dyer Studies demonstrate the power of collective meditation with a clear intention. Even small groups can have a substantial impact under the law...

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Our spark and our flame

Down the ages we have seen seemingly impossible feats achieved, immense tides turned to flow in a more positive direction, hatred, violence and division move into a space of forgiveness and reconciliation. Lincoln’s abolition of slavery, the defeat of Nazism, the ending of apartheid in South Africa, the peace process in Northern Ireland are just...

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If I can dream…

‘If I can dream…of a better land…’ so sang Elvis Presley in his 1968 Comeback Special. A gospel song that contains a powerful call for beauty, harmony, sisterhood and brotherhood. It calls for belief that we do deserve something better than we are creating now. More than that, it invokes that better world. We often...

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Shall we dare?

As children we evidently know so little. Our receptiveness to the new, our openness to the world and deeper impressions beyond that is likely at its peak. There’s wonder in almost everything. And if we don’t know something we have a go, stepping in fearlessly. As facts and knowledge are absorbed into our system and...

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Tapping into ‘full fat’ presence

Do you recall those days at school when the register was taken and we’d all say ‘present Miss’ or something similar? Of course, we were only children and largely talking about our physical presence and nothing much more. Hopefully as we’ve matured we’ve come to recognise the significance of bringing our whole selves to anything...

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Dreaming of a better world

When Martin Luther King had a dream, he wasn’t setting out a strategy rather calling for a seismic shift in perspective, that people would come together in harmony, unity and appreciation of one another. Isn’t that what we need now in a world that has, on the one hand, made such progress through human ingenuity...

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The sacredness of wonder

“May you experience each day as a sacred gift woven around the heart of wonder.” John O’Donohue Wonder is a quality we typically associate with childhood. It has the sense of naiveté, of innocence and the ability to be surprised. After a few proverbial ‘trips around the block’ of life we can tend to eschew...

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