Creating Conscious Organisations
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Conscious Insights Blog


Raising our game on intention

The dictionary defines intention as an idea that you plan to carry out; a goal or purpose or aim; something you mean to do whether you do it or not. In this context the intention is often self-focused, on our own plans, and not looking to a far and elevated horizon. If we look deeper...

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Stoking the fire

The discovery of fire is generally thought to date back to between 300,000 and 400,000 years ago, though archaeologists have unearthed possible traces of campfires that flickered 1 million years ago. Whatever the discovery date fire has transformed human existence and has continued at the heart of that experience through time. We might consider all...

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Alignment toward the greater good

We see increasing evidence of good will in our world. Yes it’s a tough world right now and yet as physics tells us each action has an equal and opposite reaction. The more we expose the inequities and unethical practices the more space and opportunity there is for people to step closer toward a life...

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Showing up whole

Given the challenges facing our world each of us showing up whole, reporting for duty if you like, and bringing our full awareness and positive intention to all that we do in our daily lives is a must. Though we may be nodding our heads here, silently thinking of course, there are many obstacles. The...

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Small acts on purpose

Influencing for the greater good can seem a lofty, distant aspiration for most of us. It may seem a far country that’s the province of those with great power or fame, and/or with seemingly god given talents, or perhaps those who’ve discovered their purpose, live it with a passion for, and dedication to, making things...

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Beyond the concrete

Beyond the concrete

We live our lives in a concrete world, reliant on matter and form, on what we can see, hear, touch, taste, smell. We use acquired knowledge and experience to interpret all this data. Perhaps we adjust that interpretation with the input of others. And yet how real and true are the ‘pictures’ we create? However...

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The power of right thinking

The power of right thinking

Many years ago, our now King Charles when talking about the need for a new relationship with our planet, called on us to move to ‘right thinking’ arguing that right action cannot happen without it. What might that mean – ‘right thinking’ and how skilled are we at it? Firstly we might contemplate the whole...

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Working with the unexpected

Working with the unexpected

Life seems like it’s full of curved balls at the moment…political upheaval, conflict in a part of the world where the peace has sustained for decades, a civilised nation refusing to curb gun ownership though mass shootings seem increasingly commonplace, and for individual citizens the challenges of prices spiralling upwards or being able to travel...

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