Creating Conscious Organisations
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Making our North Star reality

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Purpose is often, poetically, described as our North Star. It is the place where we feel most ‘in flow’, where our passion and action intersect, where we often achieve more than we felt capable of.

In the bustle and demands of daily life discovering our purpose can, though, be a tricky proposition. For some it is evident and present quickly and obviously. It radiates from them and all that they do. For others of us the search can take time. Yet it’s time worth spending.

In the wholeness of humanity each of us is a tiny spark with our own unique soul purpose patterned in. Accepting this notion gives us some clues as to where to search for our purpose – within rather than out. It tells us that it isn’t simply about a dream job, or more money, or defining our next adventure but about something deeper and higher, in service of a greater good.

We find it in deep reflection, in the time we devote to quietening down and tuning out the mundane noise and urgency of our ‘to dos’. We may find in fact that it has more to do with how we show up than what we do. Of course, this will likely translate to an action or a focus but at its foundation will be something much deeper – a true sense of service.

The quality of that service is focused on giving, not gaining, in a spirit of generosity without expectation though, of course, we gain much from experiencing the positive impacts we see on our world, however small they may be.

In meditation we begin to connect with our Self/soul, coming into right relationship with it and its wisdom. From this continuing ‘conversation’ the service we are designed for starts to clarify and becomes the driving force in how we do what we do, wherever we are, so that all we do is contributing to creating a better world for all.