Creating Conscious Organisations
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Conscious Insights Blog


Stepping up compassion

We often confuse compassion with empathy yet they are different. Of course empathy is really important if we are to stand any chance of being in real relationship with another. Our ability to suspend judgement and assumption, to connect and to have a felt sense of the other person’s world however incomplete, enables us to...

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Alignment toward the greater good

We see increasing evidence of good will in our world. Yes it’s a tough world right now and yet as physics tells us each action has an equal and opposite reaction. The more we expose the inequities and unethical practices the more space and opportunity there is for people to step closer toward a life...

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Small acts on purpose

Influencing for the greater good can seem a lofty, distant aspiration for most of us. It may seem a far country that’s the province of those with great power or fame, and/or with seemingly god given talents, or perhaps those who’ve discovered their purpose, live it with a passion for, and dedication to, making things...

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Bringing and being our best

Bringing and being our best

We can gaze at the heavens and be reminded of how tiny we are as individuals and, as a planet, in the vastness of the universe. We may consider the scale of humanity and conclude we, as one person, have little impact. Yet we have more power than we know. Every thought, word, action touches...

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Graceful presence in turbulent times

Graceful presence in turbulent times

We are experiencing a lot of buffeting in these times…buffeting which can disturb our inner equilibrium which in turn can affect how we show up in the world….our Presence. Maintaining an inner and higher point of focus can help us guard against this buffeting as we dis-identify from the outer effects (things breaking, technology playing...

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Radiating with purpose

Radiating with purpose

Radiance is often a word we associate with young people or brides…that sense of the light shining in the eyes and the whole face alive as if there is no way to contain the inner power and vitality flowing through that person. We experience their magnetism and it’s almost contagious. There are other times though...

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