The dictionary defines intention as an idea that you plan to carry out; a goal or purpose or aim; something you mean to do whether you do it or not. In this context the intention is often self-focused, on our own plans, and not looking to a far and elevated horizon. If we look deeper...
Conscious Insights Blog
In all groups, large or small, one of the defining characteristics of the impact that group can have is the degree of alignment that exists with their purpose. We all know that any overarching ‘statement’ or unifying mantra can feel a bit like wallpaper after a while, becoming less potent and, ultimately, invisible. There’s always...
Do you recall those days at school when the register was taken and we’d all say ‘present Miss’ or something similar? Of course, we were only children and largely talking about our physical presence and nothing much more. Hopefully as we’ve matured we’ve come to recognise the significance of bringing our whole selves to anything...
When Martin Luther King had a dream, he wasn’t setting out a strategy rather calling for a seismic shift in perspective, that people would come together in harmony, unity and appreciation of one another. Isn’t that what we need now in a world that has, on the one hand, made such progress through human ingenuity...
Oneness is both a simple and vast principle to explore. For some the notion of oneness may feel too abstract to be meaningful, for others it may be a foundational principle of life – encapsulated in the phrase ‘we are all connected’ perhaps? The idea that everything we do, think, say impacts everyone and everything...
In the past few days I’ve been struck by the story of the stranger who noticed a man sitting on a bench outside a coffee shop in some distress – vomiting and sweating. As others passed by – perhaps avoiding someone they may have assumed had drunk a little too much – this woman stopped...
Wherever we turn we seem to be confronted by difficult news, by distressing things happening. Convulsions in our world, affecting people. We get sucked into the suffering on a micro-scale, our compassion focused on the single individual, family or small group affected and facing the challenge. Appreciation of a bigger picture – a world re-forming...