Whilst discussions about Purpose are far more in evidence these days, the true understanding of one’s own Purpose and an organisation’s Purpose is rarely arrived at through intellectual or rational discourse.
Accessing Purpose is a whole body and whole life process. If it arrives, it arrives in response to a deep inquiry and a profound opening.
It’s perfectly fine to have hypotheses and works in progress as we seek Purpose. Like a spiral ascending toward its pinnacle, we too must take the wide then more concentrated circles upwards and inwards to come to a true understanding of Purpose.
Life helps us in this regard if we are open to it. For many years, decades even, we make our way in life. At all stages we are discovering more of who we are, our values and beliefs, our talents and gifts. As we ascend the spiral toward Purpose, as each of must inexorably do, we gather fragments of insight as to how we fit in relation to the whole.
As we learn more of how and why we fit, we increase our capacity to be of service, as leaders, as individuals and as groups. And at the apex of the spiral, the epicentre of the journey toward Purpose is our ability to serve. Serve from our hearts and our souls.
As we embrace this willingness to serve, we will discover a whole new level of insight to our Purpose. The invitation is to centre in the heart, open to the spiral of understanding and allow all that is ready to be revealed to come forward. Let life and heartfulness show us the way.