Creating Conscious Organisations
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Dreaming of a better world

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When Martin Luther King had a dream, he wasn’t setting out a strategy rather calling for a seismic shift in perspective, that people would come together in harmony, unity and appreciation of one another.

Isn’t that what we need now in a world that has, on the one hand, made such progress through human ingenuity and, on the other, created such division, conflict and challenge through human ignorance and indolence?

We need to dream of something different and do so with intention. Every act that makes our world better, no matter how small or big that progress, starts with a dream in our hearts. We craft seeds of intention consciously, lovingly and infuse the dream with them. Then we must release this dream to the care of the universe.

And, as the seeds incubate within that universal embrace we must continue to support – each day directing our meditative energy to nurturing them. Directing and holding gently rather than seeking to control, helping bring them and the dream to fruition.

Through this intentional dreaming we can shift our world for good. What’s your dream?