Creating Conscious Organisations
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Conscious Insights Blog

Senior Consultant
David Wetton

David Wetton

The leadership teams he works with, report an increase in trust and collaboration; a growth in collective emotional intelligence and a commitment to taking a stand for social impact, alongside delivering excellent financial results. He has researched and grounded his coaching and consultancy approach through his Master’s Research Degree in ‘Exploring the Role of Spirituality...

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Steve Tarpey

Steve Tarpey

The second story maps his growing awareness and development of the threads that he now weaves into his work – a journey that he jokingly refers to as his transition ‘from spreadsheet to spirit’. There are many threads. The experiences that have shaped (and continue to shape) his own spiritual awareness; a clarity around where...

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Alex Swarbrick

He has a keen interest in the human relational aspects of leadership and organisational development, working with people and their organisations as they collaborate with courage and compassion to fulfil a meaningful purpose. On his spirituality, Alex says “For me, everything in my journey through life, making sense of the highs, the pains and losses,...

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Eve Poole

Eve Poole

Her undergraduate degree was in theology, and her MBA stimulated an enduring interest in understanding workplace spirituality. She explored some of the structural challenges behind this in her PhD on capitalism and theology, with her book Capitalism’s Toxic Assumptions outlining the ways in which the system needs to change to promote the flourishing of all....

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