Creating Conscious Organisations
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Eve Poole

Dr Eve Poole OBE teaches leaders, writes books, and leads things. Her career brings together formative years in the charity sector and in management consultancy, punctuated by academic study, and developed through a decade teaching at Ashridge Business School working daily with leaders to improve their practice.
Eve Poole

Her undergraduate degree was in theology, and her MBA stimulated an enduring interest in understanding workplace spirituality. She explored some of the structural challenges behind this in her PhD on capitalism and theology, with her book Capitalism's Toxic Assumptions outlining the ways in which the system needs to change to promote the flourishing of all. At the same time, she was encountering leaders with imposter syndrome who did not feel up to the task of making the changes they could feel were required. Her research into the neurobiology of leadership practice was published as the book Leadersmithing, which was Highly Commended in the 2018 Business Book Awards and is designed to lay out a practical path towards leadership mastery.

More recently she has held senior leadership positions which have allowed her to identify with the very real day to day challenges of conscious leadership. She was the first female Chair of Gordonstoun, a school that specialises in character education, and the Third Church Estates Commissioner, a role that tackles the practical side of delivering religion on the ground. She was also Interim CEO of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, an Enlightenment foundation that seeks to make knowledge useful.

This mixture of the theoretical and practical gives her a rich palette for facilitating the learning of others, and she seeks also to keep learning from them how we might all step more confidently into conscious leadership.